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This one’s a near-tie with a similar ‘restless natives’ moment in its equally grotty cousin, Cannibal Ferox. The lost, isolated Yanomamö tribe – angered by the devious documentarians’ not-strictly-observing techniques – reap a bloody, about-to-be-banned revenge: they begin by hacking rapist cameraman Mark into more edible pieces, starting very graphically with his telescopic lens. Hack Filmmakers (Cannibal Holocaust, 1980)Well, that’s a hornets’ nest well-and-truly stirred up. All in all, that’s two – or is that four? – for the price of one. “Both of them.” The second is definitely the more painful for lil’ Roark Jr, as the determined detective proceeds to violently disarm the Yellow Bastard’s man-pistol for the second time in 90 minutes, clenching away his clackers in a gooey marshmallowy mustard-coloured splodge. Disarmament (Sin City, 2005)“I take away his weapon,” says Hartigan. Revenge is a dish best served in a bloody tissue. Tracking down the guys who earlier attempted to adjust Bane’s vocal chords, the Bondurants take a straight razor to the terror-etched henchmen’s undercarriages and deliver them to their nemesis. Message Sent (Lawless, 2012)Finding themselves up against a literally cut-throat copper, those bootleggin’ Bondurant boys aim to cut something a little lower on the anatomy.

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